Grind the tomato

Prep. Time

Tempo di preparazione icon

5 min.

Cook. Time

Tempo di cottura icon

1 h. e 30 min.


Portata icon

Main Course, soup


Porzioni icon

3 people


Pomodori Pelati - La Bella San Marzano

320 gr

Peeled Tomatoes


200 gr

Stale bread


2 cloves


Brodo vegetale

to taste

Vegetable broth

Olio di oliva extravergine

to taste

Extra virgin olive oil


to taste


Pepe nero

to taste



to taste


A peasant recipe that is genuine, tasty and ‘poor’ in ingredients that was created to be able to recycle stale bread.


You start by preparing the vegetable broth.

Use for the preparation, in abundant water, celery, carrot, onion and parsley.

  1. Bring to a boil and cook the vegetable broth for about 40/45 minutes.
  2. In a pan, gently brown the garlic cloves in the oil.
  3. When the garlic begins to brown, add the peeled tomatoes and a little chopped basil.
  4. Cook for about ten minutes, mashing the tomatoes with a fork and seasoning with salt and pepper.
  5. Cut the stale bread into small pieces while keeping the freshly prepared vegetable broth warm.
  6. Remove the garlic, add the boiling vegetable broth, the chopped bread and other basil as desired (the bread must be soaked well in the liquid). If it seems a little red you can add more tomato pulp.
  7. Cook for about ten minutes, turning often, then turn off and let it rest for an hour, stirring occasionally to completely crumble the bread.
  8. Serve with a drizzle of olive oil, a sprinkle of pepper and two basil leaves.